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German-Croatian Joško, who has lived in Würzburg for 40 years, feels like a citizen of the world.
Integration is a topic that is particularly close to his heart. However, for him, integration does not start with politics or institutions, but with families and individuals themselves. “It's often up to the people themselves whether they are integrated or not,” he says, referring to his own youth. As a child growing up in a miners' district in Germany, he never had the feeling of being rejected. “Home is where you feel safe,” says Joško as he talks about his story with a smile.
He looks to the future with confidence. For him, one thing is certain: society must stick together, respect positive values such as the German Grundgesetz and not be driven by negative voices.
Jeder Mensch - egal wie alt, egal woher - will irgendwann endlich ankommen. Wir zeigen 1.000 Menschen aus Würzburg, jeden mit seiner eigenen Geschichte.
Über diese Geschichten, Kunst, Diskussionen und kreative Formate laden wir alle ein, miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen, gemeinsame Werte zu entdecken und sie im besten Fall gemeinschaftlich umzusetzen.
Dass Diversität im eigenen Umfeld als Chance begriffen werden kann, will das Projekt ebenso erfahrbar machen, wie das Glücksgefühl, das sich einstellt, wenn man selbst etwas verändert.